Seed Phenotyping Centre
Force your science and get seed phenotyping data including advanced seed sorting
Find out more at Seed Phenotyping Centre dedicated web
Seed type: Arabidopsis, other seeds up to 3mm size
Calculated parameters: partial 3D seed phenotype for: seed size (px/mm), seed surface shape, seed shape, seed length, seed width
Throughput: 150 000 seeds/week

Seed Counting
Precise counting of seeds from the provided sample into aliquots/duplicates. For the sample processing, we are using the statistically random selection of seeds from a stock. Discover robotic precision in seed counting, even of such tiny ones as Arabidopsis is.
- Biomass/weight production measurement of the precisely measured amount of seeds in a sample
- Molecular biology, genetics and biochemical analysis of seeds and growing seedlings working with the clearly defined specimen amount at the inlet

Phenotyping & single seed tests
Investigate more about the properties of individual seeds. This service ensures work with the deeply defined sample, allows for single seed phenotypical analysis followed by its placement into a 96well / 384well plates. The obtained phenotypical data includes a partial 3D image analysis and a comprehensive morphological analysis for each seed.
- Biomass/weight production measurement of the precisely measured amount of seeds in a sample
- Molecular biology, genetics and biochemical analysis of seeds and growing seedlings working with the clearly defined specimen amount at the inlet
Fluorescence seed selection
Phenotypical analysis and sorting of samples containing fluorescent selection markers in the seed-coat. Separate GFP/RFP seeds efficiently based on signal quality and signal intensity. Get together phenotypical traits and seed morphometry of your transformants in one experiment.
- Fluorescent seed selection including morphometric analysis directly in T1 generation
- Analysis and sorting based on signal quality and stability in followed generations with the possibility of machine vision
Analysis of distribution profiles
Get distribution profiles of seed traits in progeny such as seed size, shape, surface shape, length and diameter. On a set of 3000 seeds in population, the partial 3D phenotypical analysis is evaluated by plant scientist in Labdeers and provided as dataset report including the raw data format for further post-processing.
- Publication of seed parameters
- Description of biological variability between compared lines
- Exclusion of plants with non-standard distribution profiles among family, from the next experiments
- Use of distribution profiles for the selection of groups of seeds with specific traits.(link na službu – Seed sorting & counting based on distribution profilig)
Sorting & counting based on distribution profiling
Based on distribution profiling, it is possible to select seeds using individual phenotypical parameters or their combinations. The selected seeds can be categorized and sorted into tubes or multiwell plates for assays with homogenous and specified traits at the start of the entire experiment.
NOTE: This service is available only for samples that have been subjected to the analysis of distribution profiles.
- Reduction of the seed variability for the balanced seedling growth
- Minimization of gene expression variability in a sample by setting thresholds for individual phenotypical traits
- Phenotype-to-genotype correlation in different lines/mutants
- Seed selection based on multifactorial parameters – followed by biochemical, proteomic and genomic analysis